Impacts of COVID-19 on Small Businesses

The Compromise on Clean Air Act was signed by President Obama and Congressional representatives to address the global warming crisis that has taken its toll on the United States. Although the Paris Agreement offers a significant step towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions, there are still additional efforts needed to bring about significant reductions. The Compact for Living in the Unitary States (via US) was launched to push for additional steps to achieve the reductions the country so badly needs.


The Compact for Living is a non-binding commitment. It provides information and ideas on what small businesses in the Unites States should be doing to achieve carbon reductions, while protecting our environment. Organizations representing small businesses can take part in the process and encourage members to contact their representatives about the possibility of passing a CO VID-19 into law. They can also work to pass other national climate change goals and reports.

The Compact for Living provides a platform for small businesses to voice their opinion on global warming and work with their representatives to pass an easily-passed resolution. This resolution may garner support from members of both parties in the U.S. House and Senate as well as influential members from all around the world. The global community needs to hear from American businesses on this issue so that they are not deterred from participating in economic activities throughout the region. The Compact for Living is a way for U.S. small business owners to get the information they need to participate effectively in the global community.

The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has published a report on global warming. It recommends various measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that cause warming. One resolution may be passed by U.S. Representatives and sent to the UN Secretary General, who will then make recommendations on how to implement the resolution. In the meantime, businesses can take steps to mitigate their carbon footprint. The impact of COVID-19 on small businesses is felt by businesses that generate or consume coal, natural gas, wood, and oil. As mentioned earlier, the compact for living could also encourage smaller businesses to take responsibility for their carbon footprint.

The US federal government has also weighed in with its thoughts on the impending flu pandemic. On October 21st, the United States Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a press release stating that they were “ready to take action” against the swine flu. On October 13th, President Bush signed a bill which will also fund the National Pandemic influenza Prevention and Treatment Program (P PSTT). According to the CDC, the United States has prepared for such pandemic by making provisions for quarantine, and by training state and local health officials.

The Department of Health and Human Services has advised the public on how to prepare for a possible swine flu pandemic by educating them on the symptoms of the illness, which includes the signs and symptoms of a headache, a fever, and body aches or weakness. The Department of Homeland Security has also released a website advising citizens on how to protect themselves from the swine flu. In addition, the US Department of Agriculture has posted FAQs on its website explaining what people need to do to prepare for the potential for an outbreak. The impact of COVID-19 on small business is felt by the millions of businesses that rely on fossil fuels and other sources of energy to heat their production facilities.

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